January 19, 2004
Seymore Butts

As I was looking though the exhibitors for AVN, I missed this gem. If you haven't caught the Showtime program Family Business, you've missed a hilarious look into the "porn" industry. The show chronicles the adult film maker Seymore Butts. Seymore (Adam Glasser), his mom and Cousin Steve all work hard to bring you the best in adult entertainment. As his name implies, his videos cater to a certain type of entertainment. Anyway, Seymour was a true gentleman gave me his autograph and commented that Ron Jeremy had signed his named backwards.

Once again, you read my entry, so here is what you came for...

Seymore Butts signs my boobs!

boobies whoo hoo!

boobies whoo hoo!

boobies whoo hoo!

Visit these related sites:

Seymore Butts online

Family Business on Showtime

Posted by lili at January 19, 2004 08:14 PM

what a hog

Posted by: natalie on December 16, 2006 06:38 PM

hi nice rack lol wut a milf...any more pics of u would b appreciated lol

Posted by: Grant on August 15, 2006 08:17 PM

ey mi name is luis alberto im from cd victoria tamaulipas mexico i liked to film in the your movies tell me 3144827

Posted by: luis alberto vazquez garcia on July 19, 2006 12:26 AM
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